


  1. FLORAL HOURS(以下簡稱為「我們」、「我們」、「本公司」 )對尊重及保護顧客的私隱及個人資料非常重視。本私隱政策將有助你了解我們在與你的互動過程中如何收集、使用及保障你的個人資料。
  2. 在本私隱政策中,「個人資料」一詞指直接或間接與你有關的任何資料,從該資料可切實可行地直接或間接地確定你的身分,該資料亦以可切實可行地查閲及處理的形式記錄。
  3. 當你登記賬戶及/或使用任何由本網站提供的服務時,我們將根據本私隱政策收集、使用及處理你的個人資料。
  4. 我們定期檢討及更新本私隱政策,並於網上平台展示最新版本。
  5. 本私隱政策只適用於上述服務,但並不適用於任何向本網站提供的其他服務或任何第三方(包括由我們的業務夥伴維護的任何網站)。向任何第三方提交你的個人資料之前(不論是否經由我們的網站提交),請務必查閱該等第三方的私穩政策。
  6. 你明白提供下述的個人資料屬自願性質。但如未能提供該等所需個人資料,你或不能登記賬戶及/或使用服務。



  • 識別你的身分及你開設的任何賬戶
  • 為向你提供服務(包括評估該等服務的任何申請、管理及改善該等服務),以及處理及管理其他相關禮遇,例如參與我們的特別推廣活動
  • 核實身分及/或作信貸審查
  • 確定及核實你享用商品和服務的折扣及促銷的資格
  • 代表你處理申請及更新合作夥伴的產品及服務,包括但不限於保險及財務產品
  • 代表你處理合作夥伴的產品及服務之保險索償
  • 為你處理與服務有關的付款指示或追收欠款
  • 讓本網站儲存你的個人資料,以免你每次購買產品或更新保險產品時需要重新輸入相關資料
  • 處理訂單、開出賬單及履行訂單
  • 直接促銷我們的 服務(詳情見「直接促銷」部份)
  • 直接促銷本公司業務夥伴的產品及服務(詳情見「直接促銷」部份)
  • 為你設計所需服務
  • 進行市場研究、統計分析及行為分析
  • 分析趨勢、使用情況、訪問流量、活動模式、個人喜好、用戶人口特徵及行為(無論是個人或集體形式),或為了進行調查;
  • 進行顧客數據分析及分析你的購物喜好
  • 讓你選擇參與我們為你提供的服務的互動功能,包括識別你的朋友,並與他們溝通和分享你的購物體驗
  • 就我們的服務或你感興趣的商品或服務向你推薦
  • 設計本公司網站及內容,迎合你的特定喜好
  • 為你提供客戶服務
  • 處理你的投訴及賬戶查詢,對本公司或任何一方之索償及/或訴訟
  • 為聯絡你及/或向你進行在本網站購物及服務推廣相關的直接促銷活動,包括但不限於向你提供針對性及/或基於位置的廣告、內容、功能、折扣及優惠
  • 防範及阻止欺詐
  • 審計目的
  • 按適用法律、規則及規例的規定作出披露
  • 任何與收集個人資料的原來目的直接有關之其他用途
  • 持續改善在本網站的體驗




  • 你的個人資料及聯絡資料,如姓名、性別、出生日期、身分證號碼、電話號碼、社交媒體連結、電 郵地址、住址、郵寄地址及/或寄發賬單的地址;
  • 你的商業資料,如公司的名稱及職銜;
  • 你的賬戶資料,如信用卡賬戶號碼首6位數及尾4位數或用戶賬號;
  • 你與商戶的付款交易詳情;
  • 你的家庭收入及個人興趣;及
  • 你的電腦或移動裝置IP地址、即時位置資料、瀏覽器設定、瀏覽紀錄及/或其他互聯網記錄的資料;及
  • 你的電話簿中包含的電話號碼和電子郵件地址(當你使用我們為你提供的服務的互動功)。當你接受我們的服務我們會通知你。當你提供數據給我們,你確認已經從電話簿的聯繫人取得同意。


你可能會不時向我們提供各種第三方個人資料。你同意在向我們提供該等個人資料前,已經獲得相關第三方同意向我們提供 (將根據本私隱政策收集、使用及儲存的)個人資料。



      1. 我們會自動收集有關你網上活動的資料,從而蒐集有關我們伺服器使用情況的統計數據,以助我們滿足你的需要及期望。這可能包括但不限於你的流動裝置資料,包括(i)裝置類型、(ii)瀏覽器類型和版本、(iii)操作系統類型和版本、(iv)你的互聯網規約地址及(v)域名等資料。
      2. 我們亦會使用獨一無二的識別碼,以追蹤你在不同裝置上使用我們網站或應用程式的情況,以便系統將你的網上活動記錄為屬同一用戶而非多個不同用戶。
      3. 我們使用分析工具以衡量你與我們網站及應用程式內容的互動方式。如你透過社交媒體賬戶登入我們的網站或應用程式,我們將收集你同意透過相關社交媒體網站向我們提供的資訊,並將你與我們的互動與該等資訊聯繫起來。如你同意接收直接促銷資訊,我們亦可能會透過社交媒體網站向你展示根據你與我們的互動情況而設計的個人化廣告。
      4. 我們可能會透過你支援Wi-Fi的流動裝置收集你的實際位置數據。我們利用這些數據確定顧客人數,並幫助我們研究你的活動模式及喜好,以改善服務。我們可能會使用你的位置數據為你提供個人化的位置服務及內容。如你同意接收直接促銷資訊,我們可能會為你提供針對性的廣告、內容、功能、折扣及優惠。
      5. 如你正在瀏覽我們的網站(無論是以訪客或會員身分),網站可能會在你的電腦上置入小型文字檔案(cookies)以辨識你的電腦,使我們可因應你的喜好提供個人化服務。
      6. 小型文字檔案(cookies)是存儲在硬盤內的小型資訊檔案,大多數瀏覽器都會自動接受。它不會容許我們存取你電腦或個人資料的其餘部分。如你不欲接受小型文字檔案(cookies),請更改瀏覽器的設定。請注意,如果你的瀏覽器不接受小型文字檔案(cookies),你可能無法使用我們網站或應用程式上提供的所有功能及服務。
      7. 如你正在瀏覽我們的網站(無論是以訪客或會員身分),網站可能會在你的電腦上置入小型文字檔案(cookies)以辨識你的電腦,使我們可因應你的喜好提供個人化服務。


      1. 我們或會在我們的網站或應用程式提供嵌入式連結、「分享」按鈕或小部件,以便你連接至第三方網站(包括社交媒體網站)。該等第三方網站可能會設置小型文字檔案(cookies),當你登入其服務時,該等小型文字檔案(cookies)將可辨識你的身分。我們無法控制該等小型文字檔案(cookies)或網站如何收集及處理你的個人資料。
      2. 如你使用的服務須要付款,你將被轉接至我們網上繳費服務供應商旗下的保密第三方網站以完成交易。與付款相關的個人資料(包括但不限於持卡人姓名、發卡公司識別號碼、持卡人賬單地址、信用卡驗證值及屆滿日期)將會由網上繳費服務供應商收集,以處理你訂單的付款及其他附帶目的。如你未有提供該等資料,我們將無法向你提供有關服務。
      3. 你向相關第三方網站提供任何個人資料前,應先細閱其私隱政策。




    1. 6.1.我們採取合理的實質、電子及管理措施,以保護你所提供的個人資料。但請明白,儘管我們已盡力保障你的個人資料,但我們仍然無法保證有關的措施在任何時間均絕對安全。
    2. 6.2.任何由你傳送或登載於我們網站或網站任何部份的問題、意見、建議或資料,除個人資料外,均視作以非保密及非專有資料的形式自願提供予本公司。我們有權自行將該等資料在其他地方使用、複製、披露、傳送、刊載及/或登載,包括但不限於為服務的開發和推廣及為滿足客戶的需要等目的,而將該等資料提供給任何聯繫公司。
    3. 6.3.我們有可能會公開共享非個人資料,例如包括但不限於與銷售交易、用戶流量、物流及倉庫績效有關之匿名數據和匯總數據,並有可能會與我們的合作夥伴共享,包括但不限於與現有及潛在商業合作夥伴、提供貨品╱服務的賣家或承辦商、初創企業家及學界等。
    4. 6.4.我們將盡一切合理的努力以確保我們持有的所有個人資料均儲存於可靠穩妥及安全的地方。
    5. 6.5.我們會盡力將收集到的所有個人資料保密。然而,請你理解我們不可能保證傳輸資料的安全。


  1. 我們只會在必須用以達到該等目的之情況下,才會保留能直接辨識你身分的個人資料,並會在其後刪除資料。如你選擇刪除你的賬戶,我們會於收到你的相關通知後,在合理可行情況下盡快刪除上述個人資料。
  2. 我們只會以匿名方式保留你的其他資料,以進行統計或研究用途,協助我們持續改善在本網站的體驗。我們可能會向第三方分享載有集成的非個人資料的統計報告。
  3. 儘管有上述規定,如有任何個人資料(包括上述能夠用以直接辨識你身分的個人資料)因根據適用法例或與任何法律訴訟有關而被列明為必須保留,該等資料將被保留更長時間,但我們將採取所有切實可行的措施,確保該等資料的保留時間不會長於達到該等目的之所需時間。



      1. 任何代我們行事、代表我們或與我們共同行事的人士或公司(包括第三方代理或承包商),或我們任何的服務供應商;在所有該等情況下,我們或會披露你的個人資料以達到任何該等目的,惟獲轉達你個人資料的該等第三方須遵從實質相等於本私隱政策所載的保密及私隱責任;
      2. 為了確立及支援你所要求就任何產品及服務進行的付款,而有必要向其披露你個人資料的任何金融機構、支付卡或信用卡發卡公司、信貸資料服務機構或收集機構;及
      3. 如根據法定責任或契約責任強制須作出披露,或按法例或法庭規定者作出披露,或為了保護(為法律所允許的)我們的利益而必須向其作出披露的任何其他第三方。


你有權查閱、核實或更新我們所持有任何關於你的個人資料。你可登入賬戶行使上述權利。你亦可向本網站要求查閱該等個人資料,並要求在你查閱個人資料後更正錯誤的資料。你可於香港個人資料私隱專員公署網站下載查閱資料要求表格。我們將盡快處理你的要求。請注意,根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》,本網站有權就你查閱個人資料的要求收取合理費用。如欲提出查閱及更正個人資料的要求,請聯絡我們的一般個人資料主任 (請參閱下文「我們的聯絡資料」部分)。




  1. 如欲就本私隱政策(包括根據本私隱政策的任何權利或任何其他疑問)與我們聯絡,請透過以下地址聯絡我們:support@floralhours.com
  2. 如此等條款及細則有其他語文版本,概以英文版本為準;如其他語文版本與英文版本有不一致之處,亦概以英文版本為準。


  1. Respecting and protecting our customers’ privacy and personal data is important to FLORAL HOURS (“floralhours.com”, “we” or “us”). This Privacy Policy will help you understand how we collect, use and safeguard your personal data in our interactions with you.
  2. Throughout this Privacy Policy, the term “personal data” means any data relating directly or indirectly to you, from which it is practicable for your identity to be directly or indirectly ascertained, and in a form in which access to or processing of the data is practicable.
  3. When you register for account (“Account”) and/or use any services offered our online platforms, we will collect, use and handle your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
  4. We regularly review and update this Privacy Policy, and the most up-to-date version of this Privacy Policy will be shown on our website.
  5. This Privacy Policy only applies to the Services, but not to any other services provided by us nor to any third parties (including any websites maintained by our business partners). Please check and read the third parties’ privacy policies before submitting any of your personal data to such third parties (whether via our website(s) or not).
  6. You understand that it is voluntary for you to provide your personal data as described hereinbelow. However, if you do not provide the personal data as required, you may not be able to register for the Account and/or use the Services.

Collection of your Personal Data

Personal data collected from you may be used by the FLORAL HOURS for, without limitation:

  • identifying you and any accounts you hold with us
  • enabling the provision of the Services to you 
  • conducting identity verification and/or credit checks determining and verifying your eligibility for discounts and promotions on products and services 
  • processing applications or renewal applications for our business partners’ products and services, including without limitation insurance and financial products, on your behalf 
  • processing insurance claims for our business partners’ products and services, on your behalf
  • processing of payment instructions or collection of amounts outstanding from you in relation to the provision of the Services
  • order processing, billing and fulfilment 
  • enabling us to store your personal data so you do not have to re-enter it each time you purchase a product or renew an insurance product
  • direct marketing of the Services (see section “Direct Marketing” below)
  • direct marketing of the products and services of the Company’s business partners (see section “Direct Marketing” below)
  • designing services for you 
  • conducting research, statistical analysis and behavioral analysis
  • conducting program viewership survey and analysis
  • customer profiling and analysing your purchasing preferences
  • enabling you to participate in interactive features of our service, including identifying your friends or individuals, and sharing and communicating with them your shopping experience, when you choose to do so
  • making suggestions and recommendations to you and other users of our Services or goods and services that may interest you or them
  • customising the Company’s website and its content to your particular preferences
  • provisioning of customer services 
  • handling your complaints and account enquiries, and handling any claim, action and/or proceedings against the Company or any party
  • fraud prevention and detection
  • auditing purposes
  • making such disclosures as required by applicable laws, rules and regulations 
  • any other purposes directly related to the purpose for which the personal data were originally collected
  • To analyse trends, usage, foot traffic, activity patterns, preferences, demographics and traveller behaviour with us (whether on an individualised or aggregated basis) or for the purpose of carrying surveys;
  • For continuous improvement of shopping experiences.



Types of personal data collected

    1. 6.1.Types of personal data collected by the Company may include, without limitation:
      1. 6.1.1.Your personal information and contact information such as your name, gender, date of birth, identity card number, telephone number, social media contact, email address, residential address, mailing address, and billing address;
      2. 6.1.2.Your business information such as company name and business title;
      3. 6.1.3.Your account details, including first 6 digits and last 4 digits of credit card account numbers, or user accounts;
      4. 6.1.4.Your payment transaction details with merchants; 
      5. 6.1.5.Your household income range, and personal interest;
      6. 6.1.6.IP address, real-time geographic location data, browser settings, browsing records, and/or other Internet log information of your computer or mobile device; and
      7. 6.1.7.Telephone numbers and email addresses contained in your phone book, when you choose to participate in interactive features of our service. In this case we will have informed you when you access to our service and by providing that data to us you agree that you have obtained consent from those individuals in the phone books.

Third Parties’ Personal Data

You may from time to time provide us with various third parties’ personal data. You agree that you have secured the relevant third party’s consent to provide us with their personal data (to be collected, used and stored in accordance with this Privacy Policy) prior to such provision by you.

Use of Websites, Apps or Online Platforms

    1. When you use any of our website(s), app(s) or our other online platform(s), we will collect your personal data as follows:
      1. We automatically collect data relating to your online session, to gather statistical information on our server’s usage and to help us better meet your demands and expectations. This may include but is not limited to your mobile device information, including information on (i) the type of device, (ii) type and version of your browser, (iii) type and version of your operating system, (iv) your IP address, and (v) domain name.
      2. We use a unique identifier to track your use of our website(s) or app(s) across multiple devices so that your sessions are reported on our system as a single user rather than as multiple users.
      3. We use analytics tools to measure how you interact with content on our website(s) and the app(s). If you log in to our website(s) or app(s) via your social media accounts, we will collect information you have consented to give us via the relevant social media site and link your interaction with us to such information. Where you have consented to direct marketing, we may also engage social media sites to show you advertisements that are customised based on your interaction with us.
      4. We may collect your physical location data through your Wi-Fi enabled mobile device. We use these data to determine customer population and to help us study your activity patterns and preferences in order to improve our service. We may use your location data to provide you with personalised location-based services and content. Where you have consented to receive direct marketing, we may provide you with targeted advertisements, content, features, deals and offers.
      5. If you are browsing our website(s) (whether as a guest or as a Member), it (they) may place a cookie on your computer that identifies your computer to us and allows us to personalise your preferences.
      6. Cookies are small information files stored on your hard drive and are automatically accepted by most browsers. It does not allow us to access the rest of your computer or your personal data. Please change your browser’s settings if you do not wish to accept cookies. Please note that you may not be able to use all features and services offered on our website(s) or app(s) if your browser does not accept cookies.

Personal Data collected by third parties

    1. We may feature embedded links, “share” buttons or widgets on our websites or app(s) which enable you to connect to third party sites, including social media sites. These third party sites may set cookies which can identify you as an individual when you are logged in to their services. We do not control these cookies or how these sites collect and handle your personal data.
    2. If the Services you use require payment of money, you will be redirected to a secure third-party website belonging to our payment gateway service provider to complete payment of any purchase. Payment-related personal data (including but not limited to the cardholder’s full name, card number prefix, cardholder’s billing address, card verification value (CVV) and card expiry date) will be collected by the payment gateway service provider for processing your order’s payment as well as other incidental purposes. We will not be able to provide the Services to you if you do not provide the data.
    3. You should read the respective third-party sites’ privacy policies before submitting any data to these sites.

Other Personal Data

You may from time to time provide us with other personal data when you place an order for Services via the Account, use our Services as a guest, provide feedback to us (such as via a survey) or participate in our promotion and events.

Security and Protection of Your Personal Data

    1. We protect the personal data that you provide to us by reasonable physical, electronic and managerial measures. Please understand that despite our efforts, no data security measures can guarantee 100% security at all times.
    2. All personal data will be encrypted until the data is deleted in accordance with paragraph 23.

Retention of Personal Data

    1. We will only retain any personal data which we can use to directly identify you for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the Purposes, and we will delete the same thereafter. In the event that you choose to delete your Account with us, we will delete such personal data as soon as reasonably practicable after we receive such notification from you.
    2. We will only retain your other data in an anonymised format for statistics and research purposes to assist in the continuous improvement of our company. We may share statistical reports with aggregated non-personal data to third parties.
    3. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, if any personal data (including the aforesaid personal data which can be used to directly identify you) is required as specified under the applicable laws or in connection with any legal proceedings, the same will be retained for a longer period but we will take all practicable steps to ensure that such data will not be kept longer than is necessary for the fulfilment of such purposes.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data

    1. Your personal data will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to any third party except for such disclosure as allowed under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“PDPO”) or to such third party (who may be located and thus may use your personal data outside your country of residence) as provided below:
      1. Any person or company (including third party agent or sub-contractor) who is acting for, on behalf of or jointly with us, or any of our service providers; in all such cases, disclosure may take place to fulfil any of the Purposes, provided that such third parties to whom your personal data is communicated are subject to confidentiality and privacy obligations that are materially equivalent to those set out in this Privacy Policy;
      2. Any financial institutions, charge or credit card issuing companies, credit information or reference bureaus, or collection agencies where necessary to establish and support the payment of any products and Services being requested by you; and
      3. Any other third party where such disclosure is mandated by statutory or contractual obligations or as required by law or court of law, or where such disclosure is necessary to protect our interests (as permitted by law).

Your Right of Access and Correction of Personal Data

You have the right to access, verify or update any of your personal data that we hold. You can do so by logging in to your Account. Alternatively, you may request access from the Company and also request the Company to correct the personal data that you have accessed if such data is inaccurate. An access request form can be downloaded from the website of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong. We will handle your request as soon as possible. Please note that under PDPO, the Company has the right to charge a reasonable fee for complying with a data access request. Data access and correction requests can be addressed to our General Personal Data Officer (see “Our Contact Details” section below).


We do not use our website(s) or app(s) to knowingly solicit any personal data or other information from any persons under the age of 18. If you are under 18, by providing us with your personal data, you agree that you have informed your parents and guardians about the Privacy Policy prior to such provision, and they have approved of such provision by you based on the terms of the Privacy Policy.

Our Contact Details

  1. If you wish to contact us regarding this Privacy Policy (including in relation to any of your rights under this Privacy Policy or any other questions you may have), please contact our General Personal Data Officer via: support@floralhours.com
  2. Where these terms and conditions are available in other languages, the English version shall be the governing version and shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy amongst versions.