

本網站由 FLORAL HOURS 運營。 術語“我們”、“我們的”和“我們的”是指FLORAL HOURS。 使用我們的網站須遵守以下不時修訂的使用條款和條件(“條款”)。 您應將這些條款與我們網站頁面中提供的任何條款、條件或免責聲明一起閱讀。 請仔細閱讀條款。 這些條款適用於我們網站的所有用戶,包括但不限於瀏覽器用戶、客戶、商家、供應商和/或內容貢獻者。 如果您訪問和使用本網站,即表示您接受並同意受這些條款和我們的隱私政策的約束並遵守這些條款和我們的隱私政策。 如果您不同意這些條款或我們的隱私政策,您將無權訪問我們的網站、使用我們網站的任何服務或在我們的網站上下訂單。

2. 我們網站的使用

您同意將我們的網站用於合法目的,而不是用於任何非法或未經授權的目的,包括但不限於違反任何知識產權或隱私法。 同意這些條款,即表示您聲明並保證您已達到您居住的州或省的法定成年年齡,並且在法律上有能力簽訂具有約束力的合同。

您同意不使用我們的網站進行任何構成民事或刑事犯罪或違反任何法律的活動。 您同意不會試圖干擾我們網站的網絡或安全功能或未經授權訪問我們的系統。

您同意向我們提供準確的個人信息,例如您的電子郵件地址、郵寄地址和其他聯繫方式,以便完成您的訂單或根據需要與您聯繫。 您同意及時更新您的帳戶和信息。 您授權我們根據我們的隱私政策收集和使用這些信息與您聯繫。

3. 一般條件

我們保留隨時以任何理由拒絕向任何人提供服務的權利。 我們保留隨時對網站進行任何修改的權利,包括終止、更改、暫停或中止網站的任何方面,恕不另行通知。 我們可能會對我們網站的使用施加額外的規則或限制。 您同意定期查看這些條款,並且您繼續訪問或使用我們的網站將意味著您同意任何更改。


4. 產品或服務

通過我們網站進行的所有購買均視產品供應情況而定。 我們可以自行決定限製或取消我們網站上提供的數量,或限制向任何個人、家庭、地理區域或司法管轄區銷售我們的產品或服務。

我們的產品價格如有變更,恕不另行通知。 除非另有說明,我們網站上顯示的價格均以港元報價。

我們保留自行決定拒絕訂單的權利,包括但不限於看似由分銷商或經銷商下的訂單。 如果我們認為您下了虛假或欺詐訂單,我們將有權取消訂單並通知有關當局。

我們不保證我們網站上產品的顏色或設計的準確性。 我們努力確保我們產品的顏色和設計盡可能準確地顯示在我們的網站上。

5. 第三方網站鏈接

來自或指向我們網站之外的網站的鏈接僅供參考。 我們不審查、認可、批准或控制,也不對從我們網站鏈接或鏈接到我們網站的任何網站、這些網站的內容、其中指定的第三方或其產品和服務負責。 鏈接到任何其他網站的風險由您自行承擔,我們對與鏈接相關的任何損害不承擔任何責任。 可下載軟件網站的鏈接僅供參考,我們對與下載軟件相關的任何困難或後果不承擔任何責任。 任何下載軟件的使用均受該軟件附帶或提供的許可協議(如果有)條款的約束。

6. 使用評論、反饋和其他提交內容

您承認您對您在我們的網站或與我們網站相關的服務上或通過我們的網站或與我們網站相關的服務發布、分發或共享的信息、個人資料、意見、消息、評論和任何其他內容(統稱為“內容”)負責。 您進一步承認,您對內容承擔全部責任,包括但不限於其合法性、商標、版權和其他知識產權所有權。


由我們編輯。 您進一步同意,我們沒有義務對任何內容保密、為任何內容支付賠償或對任何內容做出回應。

您同意,未經此類專有權所有者的明確同意,您不會在我們的網站上發布、分發或分享受版權、商標、專利或任何其他專有權保護的任何內容。 您進一步同意,您的內容不會是非法、辱罵或淫穢的,也不包含任何可能影響我們網站運營的惡意軟件或計算機病毒。 您將對您製作的任何內容及其準確性承擔全部責任。 我們對您或任何第三方發布的任何內容不承擔任何責任。

我們保留終止您在我們網站上發布的能力以及刪除和/或刪除我們認為令人反感的任何內容的權利。 您同意此類刪除和/或刪除,並放棄因刪除和/或刪除您的內容而向我們提出的任何索賠。

7. 您的個人信息


8. 錯誤和遺漏

請注意,我們的網站可能包含印刷錯誤或不准確之處,並且可能不完整或不最新。 我們保留隨時糾正任何錯誤、不准確或遺漏以及更改或更新信息的權利,恕不另行通知(包括在提交訂單後)。 此類錯誤、不准確或遺漏可能與產品描述、定價、促銷和供貨情況有關,我們保留在適用法律允許的範圍內取消或拒絕基於不正確的定價或供貨信息下的任何訂單的權利。


9. 免責聲明和責任限制

您承擔與使用我們的網站有關的所有責任和風險,該網站“按原樣”提供,對於從我們的網站訪問或通過我們的網站訪問的信息不提供任何形式的明示或暗示的保證、陳述或條件,包括不提供任何形式的保證、陳述或條件。 限制,我們網站上提供的所有內容和材料以及功能和服務,所有這些內容均不提供任何形式的保證,包括但不限於有關內容或信息的可用性、準確性、完整性或有用性、不間斷訪問、 以及任何所有權、不侵權、適銷性或特定用途適用性的保證。 我們不保證我們的網站或其功能或由此提供的服務的內容和材料將及時、安全、不間斷或無錯誤,不保證缺陷將得到糾正,也不保證我們的網站或構成我們網站的服務器 可用的產品不含病毒或其他有害成分。

使用我們網站的風險由您自行承擔,並且您對與使用我們網站相關的任何費用承擔全部責任。 對於與使用我們網站相關的任何類型的損害,我們不承擔任何責任。

在任何情況下,我們或我們的附屬公司、我們或他們各自的內容或服務提供商,或者我們或他們各自的任何董事、高級職員、代理、承包商、供應商或員工均不對您承擔任何直接、間接、特殊、附帶的責任。 、後果性、懲戒性或懲罰性損害賠償、損失或訴訟因由、收入損失、利潤損失、業務或銷售損失,或任何其他類型的損害,無論是基於合同還是侵權行為(包括疏忽)、嚴格責任或其他原因 由於您使用或無法使用或執行我們的網站或我們網站上的內容、材料或功能,即使我們被告知可能發生此類損害。

某些司法管轄區不允許限制責任或排除或限制某些損害。 在此類司法管轄區,上述部分或全部免責聲明、排除或限制可能不適用於您,我們的責任將僅限於法律允許的最大範圍。

10. 賠償

您同意為我們辯護和賠償,並使我們和我們的附屬公司免受損害,並使我們和他們各自的董事、高級職員、代理人、承包商和員工免受任何方式產生的任何損失、責任、索賠、費用(包括法律費用) 來自您使用我們網站、您違反本條款或您在本網站上或通過本網站發布或傳輸任何材料,包括但不限於任何第三方聲稱任何信息或 您提供的材料侵犯了任何第三方的專有權利。

11. 完整協議


書面。 您和我們均承認,在簽訂這些條款時,您和我們均未依賴對方提供的任何陳述、承諾或承諾,或在這些條款之前您和我們之間所說或書面的任何內容暗示的任何陳述、承諾或承諾,除非明確說明 在條款中。

12. 棄權

我們未能行使或執行本條款的任何權利或規定並不構成對該權利或規定的放棄。 我們對任何違約行為的放棄並不構成對任何後續違約行為的放棄。 除非以書面形式傳達給您,否則我們的棄權均無效。

13. 標題


14. 可分割性

如果任何主管機構確定本條款的任何規定無效、非法或不可執行,則該規定將在該程度上與其餘條款分離,其餘條款將在法律允許的最大範圍內繼續有效和可執行 。

15. 適用法律

因本條款、隱私政策、使用我們網站或我們網站上提供的產品或服務引起的或與之相關的任何爭議將依法解決。 與本條款或您訪問或使用我們網站相關的任何爭議、訴訟或程序必須提交法院。


16. 問題或疑慮

請將問題、意見和反饋發送至 support@floralhours.com。

Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

This website is operated by FLORAL HOURS. The terms “we”, “us”, and “our” refer to FLORAL HOURS. The use of our website is subject to the following terms and conditions of use, as amended from time to time (the “Terms”). The Terms are to be read together by you with any terms, conditions or disclaimers provided in the pages of our website. Please review the Terms carefully. The Terms apply to all users of our website, including without limitation, users who are browsers, customers, merchants, vendors and/or contributors of content. If you access and use this website, you accept and agree to be bound by and comply with the Terms and our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the Terms or our Privacy Policy, you are not authorized to access our website, use any of our website’s services or place an order on our website.


2. Use of our Website

 You agree to use our website for legitimate purposes and not for any illegal or unauthorized purpose, including without limitation, in violation of any intellectual property or privacy law. By agreeing to the Terms, you represent and warrant that you are at least the age of majority in your state or province of residence and are legally capable of entering into a binding contract.

You agree to not use our website to conduct any activity that would constitute a civil or criminal offence or violate any law. You agree not to attempt to interfere with our website’s network or security features or to gain unauthorized access to our systems.

You agree to provide us with accurate personal information, such as your email address, mailing address and other contact details in order to complete your order or contact you as needed. You agree to promptly update your account and information. You authorize us to collect and use this information to contact you in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

3. General Conditions 

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, at any time, for any reason. We reserve the right to make any modifications to the website, including terminating, changing, suspending or discontinuing any aspect of the website at any time, without notice. We may impose additional rules or limits on the use of our website. You agree to review the Terms regularly and your continued access or use of our website will mean that you agree to any changes.

You agree that we will not be liable to you or any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of our website or for any service, content, feature or product offered through our website.

4. Products or Services 

All purchases through our website are subject to product availability. We may, in our sole discretion, limit or cancel the quantities offered on our website or limit the sales of our products or services to any person, household, geographic region or jurisdiction.

Prices for our products are subject to change, without notice. Unless otherwise indicated, prices displayed on our website are quoted in HK dollars.

We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to refuse orders, including without limitation, orders that appear to be placed by distributors or resellers. If we believe that you have made a false or fraudulent order, we will be entitled to cancel the order and inform the relevant authorities.

We do not guarantee the accuracy of the colour or design of the products on our website. We have made efforts to ensure the colour and design of our products are displayed as accurately as possible on our website.

5. Links to Third-Party Websites

 Links from or to websites outside our website are meant for convenience only. We do not review, endorse, approve or control, and are not responsible for any sites linked from or to our website, the content of those sites, the third parties named therein, or their products and services. Linking to any other site is at your sole risk and we will not be responsible or liable for any damages in connection with linking. Links to downloadable software sites are for convenience only and we are not responsible or liable for any difficulties or consequences associated with downloading the software. Use of any downloaded software is governed by the terms of the license agreement, if any, which accompanies or is provided with the software.

6. Use Comments, Feedback, and Other Submissions

You acknowledge that you are responsible for the information, profiles, opinions, messages, comments and any other content (collectively, the “Content”) that you post, distribute or share on or through our website or services available in connection with our website. You further acknowledge that you have full responsibility for the Content, including but limited to, with respect to its legality, and its trademark, copyright and other intellectual property ownership.

You agree that any Content submitted by you in response to a request by us for a specific submission may be edited, adapted, modified, recreated, published, or distributed by us. You further agree that we are under no obligation to maintain any Content in confidence, to pay compensation for any Content or to respond to any Content.

You agree that you will not post, distribute or share any Content on our website that is protected by copyright, trademark, patent or any other proprietary right without the express consent of the owner of such proprietary right. You further agree that your Content will not be unlawful, abusive or obscene nor will it contain any malware or computer virus that could affect our website’s operations. You will be solely liable for any Content that you make and its accuracy. We have no responsibility and assume no liability for any Content posted by you or any third-party.

We reserve the right to terminate your ability to post on our website and to remove and/or delete any Content that we deem objectionable. You consent to such removal and/or deletion and waive any claim against us for the removal and/or deletion of your Content.

7. Your Personal Information

Please see our Privacy Policy to learn about how we collect, use, and share your personal information.

8. Errors and Omissions

Please note that our website may contain typographical errors or inaccuracies and may not be complete or current. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time, without prior notice (including after an order has been submitted). Such errors, inaccuracies or omissions may relate to product description, pricing, promotion and availability and we reserve the right to cancel or refuse any order placed based on incorrect pricing or availability information, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

We do not undertake to update, modify or clarify information on our website, except as required by law.

9. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

You assume all responsibility and risk with respect to your use of our website, which is provided “as is” without warranties, representations or conditions of any kind, either express or implied, with regard to information accessed from or via our website, including without limitation, all content and materials, and functions and services provided on our website, all of which are provided without warranty of any kind, including but not limited to warranties concerning the availability, accuracy, completeness or usefulness of content or information, uninterrupted access, and any warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We do not warrant that our website or its functioning or the content and material of the services made available thereby will be timely, secure, uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that our websites or the servers that make our website available are free of viruses or other harmful components.

The use of our website is at your sole risk and you assume full responsibility for any costs associated with your use of our website. We will not be liable for any damages of any kind related to the use of our website.

In no event will we, or our affiliates, our or their respective content or service providers, or any of our or their respective directors, officers, agents, contractors, suppliers or employees be liable to you for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages, losses or causes of action, or lost revenue, lost profits, lost business or sales, or any other type of damage, whether based in contract or tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, arising from your use of, or the inability to use, or the performance of, our website or the content or material or functionality through our website, even if we are advised of the possibility of such damages.

Certain jurisdictions do not allow limitation of liability or the exclusion or limitation of certain damages. In such jurisdictions, some or all of the above disclaimers, exclusions, or limitations, may not apply to you and our liability will be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law.

10. Indemnification 

You agree to defend and indemnify us, and hold us and our affiliates harmless,, and our and their respective directors, officers, agents, contractors, and employees against any losses, liabilities, claims, expenses (including legal fees) in any way arising from, related to or in connection with your use of our website, your violation of the Terms, or the posting or transmission of any materials on or through the website by you, including but not limited to, any third party claim that any information or materials provided by you infringe upon any third party proprietary rights.

11. Entire Agreement

The Terms and any documents expressly referred to in them represent the entire agreement between you and us in relation to the subject matter of the Terms and supersede any prior agreement, understanding or arrangement between you and us, whether oral or in writing. Both you and we acknowledge that, in entering into these Terms, neither you nor we have relied on any representation, undertaking or promise given by the other or implied from anything said or written between you and us prior to such Terms, except as expressly stated in the Terms.

12. Waiver

Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the Terms will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. A waiver by us of any default will not constitute a waiver of any subsequent default. No waiver by us is effective unless it is communicated to you in writing.

13. Headings

Any headings and titles herein are for convenience only.

14. Severability

 If any of the provisions of the Terms are determined by any competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, such provision will to that extent be severed from the remaining Terms, which will continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

15. Governing Law

 Any disputes arising out of or relating to the Terms, the Privacy Policy, use of our website, or our products or services offered on our website will be resolved in accordance with the laws. Any disputes, actions or proceedings relating to the Terms or your access to or use of our website must be brought before the courts.

You irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such courts.

16. Questions or Concerns

Please send all questions, comments and feedback to us at support@floralhours.com.
